Obviously we aren’t done yet!
While we improve our creations and wait your enthusiastic reviews
or suggests to do them even better (is it possible anyway?)
we’re have more ideas already on development.

What will it looks like?
Uoops! The Device Mount is done and in use as the heavy duty version of our Side and Rear Racks too.
The lever for rear break and gear are in the test phase and probably ready at mid-end June and even our next secret project is developing
And now? How can we do this incredible bike even better?

New ideas
a Dashboard Frame to hold useful things in sight
without covering the original instrument
or “decorate” the handlebar like a Xmas tree!
Custom Blinking Lights bracket which will let mount them
in a less exposed , more discreet way.
… maybe even as support for more gadget?
Side Panels for the rear fairings, thin enough to not interfere with active riding, but big enough to carry little things
like the on-board tools, maybe a pocket compressor too?

What’s more?
We would be grateful for other suggests, ideas, hints from you all:
let us make the best ADV motorbike even better, together!