
Side Racks “Solo”

Our side racks have been making a name for themselves for over a year: essential, practical and light the “normal” ones, our beloved first product, sturdy and eclectic the “Heavy Duty” ones;
and now the family expands with the “Solo” ones.

Designed and built for solo use, although of course they do not prevent carrying a passenger while remaining mounted, they move the luggage almost 14 cm toward the center of gravity making the load easier to handle in all situations and allowing more immediate access to the handles, probably no longer used by a passenger but still indispensable for lifting the bike after falls and slips.

If you may miss the flexibility offered by the Heavy Duty in moving the luggage longitudinally or their huge load capability, don’t worry, you won’t loose their strength:
the three attachment points and 4 mm thickness, together with a less pronounced outward protusion, make the Solo durable and unobtrusive in all those situations where as a pair you are not likely to run into.

And as always for GWX products they are also pleasing to the eye by blending nicely into the lines of the tail covers.

A couple of details remain to be clarified, but the prototypes are already being tested on the road … and off it … and have already earned a special place in our hearts!



We wanted to make some changes for a long time but always lacked the time … or the willingness …
until today!
The opportunity came with Mirko Massarutto‘s help in finally developing our logo:

Implementing that came naturally to reorganize the blog to make it even more usable.
New Home, new sections … and two little teaser …


Plate Holder

And here we are with another jewel from Giamaicaworx!

Plate Holder, perfectly interchangeable with the OEM, adjustable in three angles
1) OEM street legal angle
2) few-more-degrees-let’s-hope-the-cops-won’t-notice-it angle
3) off-roading angle
and the whole plate holder can be removed in less than 10 seconds without tools,
leaving only the base with lights on the bike (for those who are afraid to loose the plate when off riding).

It will be tested on and off road (sweedish TET) during next 10 days, then we’ll see if we will start a group buy
(we can foresee, for a group of 10, a cost of about 80-90€).

Annuncio Presentazione

GPS holder

It was a long waiting … and isn’t over yet, sadly,
but the progresses are evident:

Our gorgeous Mobile/Tablet/GPS Holder is on his way!

Being winter, tests will run slower than normal, so we thought it’ll be ready for the production to the end of February,
when we’ll give out our orders … hopefully together with yours …

The expectations was simple but indisputable:

steady & light:
minimal last for the tower paired to maximal endurance to vibes and other mechanical stress; even because it uses our Front Rack as additional fixing point;
functional & simple:
the 30 degrees adjustment, in 3 easy to set steps, is completely independent from the bar, fixing also the small rotation issue that was bothering some users; the adjustments will be possible without need for tools (yes, the pictures show a preliminary prototype, used to check form and functions, where screws are used for the adjustments);
versatile & elegant:
the base can be mounted and used even without the adjustment plate, in the same slant as the original cockpit (both have AMPS hole patterns),
while the design allows to use a big range of devices from mobile phone to 8″ tablet, always without interference with the original dashboard or windshield;

shortly: an original GiamaicaWorx design

I mean: we got it!
what do you think?


Round two

The second group-order is out!
We’re waiting for the pieces at the end of October,
then our living rooms will become a post office!
But we aren’t just waiting and a new project is in the final phase and till then the prototype should be in test:
an holder for navigation hardware is on the way!
like the other GWorX creations will be practical,
exclusive for our Tuareg 660 and obviously light and gorgeous!

Stay tuned: it’s worth it.

Annuncio Presentazione

an Extension becomes Extended !

The first charge of group order is delivered and we all are mounting and testing our new gadget … the season is not over, not yet!

I hope you will comment them and share your experiences on the blog.

Giamaica and I had tested them too on a quick ‘n’ dirty tour in Danmark and the result is a little but consistent design change:

The front rack extension has become an
extended front rack in the AL version:

easier, lighter, stiffer than the still good two-pieces-version
which did her duties without hesitation, it must be said,
but still:
the best is the enemy of the good!

Annuncio Presentazione

Still in motion

We’re almost done with the postages and next week the last packages will be sent:
We’re really sorry it took so much time.

Our time must be shared between many activities and persons,
but we try to do the best we can so that we are proud to present our latest “creations” too:

  • The handles are done and mounted;
  • The quick release system for the windscreen is also produced as prototype;

Both of them are already in use, because they’re not just ornaments,
and August 18th till 20th they will be tested, through and hard, while a quick’n’dirty tour in Denmark.

Sketch and descriptions are to find as usual in the home page.


Almost there

the full order has arrived!

we still need some more time to sort the pieces out
and prepare the sets:

soon we’ll be ready to forward them to you!


Parti in sviluppo

La cerniera per il parabrezza e la prolunga del portapacchi anteriore in alluminio sono In fase di produzione e test;
stiamo incontrando alcune piccole difficoltà ma speriamo di poter chiudere lo sviluppo dei due pezzi per metà Agosto.

Stay tuned!


Estensione del portapacchi anteriore

Le immagini e i dati dell’astensione in alluminio del portapacchi anteriore
sono stati modificati in base agli ultimi sviluppi tecnici.
È sempre “solo” una preview,
ma la tua opinione a proposito ci interessa molto comunque:
faccela conoscere!